registrazione marchi e loghi

Our team of professionals will provide the assistance for the registration and deposit of our client’s brand by following the procedures step by step.

In particular, our team will take care of:

  • Administrative consultation and bureaucracy
  • Confrontation & control of other brands (identic and/or similar)
  • Verification of the Brand & Logo Office objections
  • Direct contact with the Italian Chamber of Commerce
  • Deposit Strategies elaborated by our professionals
  • Verification of the different results ensuing the brand registration
  • Protection of the client’s investment
  • Strategic evaluation of the feasibility of the brand registration


Our staff also guarantees:

  • Professionalism in our activities
  • Promptness in the registration procedures
  • The registration of the client’s brand
  • Protection on the client’s market


Italian Brand Registration:

The national brand registration and deposit is for sure the best protection for every business that operates only in the Italian territory. It is renewable at its expiration date.

The national registration phases are:


– payment of the registration fees at the Italian Brand & Logo Office (Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi)

– Payment of administrative fees

– Payment of the fees for each product classification beyond the first class

European Brand Registration:

The European brand registration and deposit is for sure the best protection for every business that operates only in Europe (28 countries). It is renewable at its expiration date.

The European  registration phases are:


– Payment for up to 3 product classification

– Payment for each class beyond the third one.



International Brand Registration:

The International brand registration and deposit is for sure the best protection for every business that operates worldwide. It is renewable at its expiration date. We advise our clients to register their brand within their country first, for example in Italy. 

The advantage of this procedure is that the brand can  be registered in many countries out of the E.U, even if for each country the brand will have a separated evaluation.  Consequently, it is essential to know the procedures in order to optimize the investment.

For this reason it is not possible to forecast the exact costs without knowing exactly which countries the protection will be asked for : not every country have subscribed the Madrid Convention. For those countries that are not in the WIPO list, it is necessary to proceed with a national registration in that country.


Brand Creation, ideation & pattern:

Our company also provides the creation, Ideation & Pattern service for brands. Our team of professionals,  with the support of our graphic studio, is able to create your brand with the best technologies & software available.